Wednesday, 5 December 2012


Hi all,

Below are the details for the up coming Design Hub opportunities (possibly mentioned by Kamal during taught time). Please make a note of the deadline and meeting times. Do not enter/apply for positions if you can not fully commit your spare time to The Design Hub projects/activities. 
Should you have any questions please email myself or Kamal.


> click 'read more' below

Monday, 26 November 2012

Friday, 16 November 2012

Fuel the Arts

Recently year two BA/FD Graphic Design students at the college were set a task to set up a campaign to raise awareness of something they're passionate about, something that is important to them. They were divided into teams of four or five. One team came up with a campaign to raise awareness of the government cuts to the arts, they decided to call the campaign 'Fuel the Arts'. They completed various tasks and have raised awareness.

Above are some images from one of the marketing tactics they used to raise awareness, they littered the streets with origami with simple messages, they stuck things up with stickers with QR codes and URL's leading to various networking sites.

Another thing created by the team was a video, showcasing the local artist Amy Eaton and what the Fuel the Arts campaign is about. Filmed by Aaron Golden. 

The Design Hub on Facebook

The Design Hub has now set up a facebook page for people to 'like', this will enable people from all over the world to see what's going on in and around the college! You can access the page by clicking here, or copying and pasting the link into you browser search bar.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Sky Creative Award won at New Designers

Nick Martin's work was selected by Sky Creative for an award at New Designers this year, 2012.
The work chosen for the award was based on animation and typographic design. Animated Science Stings were developed for the concept to be used in television advertising, museum installation, exhibitions, trailers and educational packages.

The award consists of a placement with the Sky Creative and prize money.

Monday, 14 May 2012

What's new?

Today I'm feeling turquoise.

Today I'm feeling turquoise was designed by Pentagram as a holiday card, but it's so much more than that! It is'an attempt to do something that should have been done a long time ago: pairing up colours with their respective moods.
It's interesting because we all associate red with danger or anger, but what about the more obscure colours? Where do they fit in? Well that's what this is for. 

 Cyan, the colour of blind faith

Above are inserts, the book continues like this telling us that brown be the colour of indifference and grey the colour of self consciousness. It is a must for and budding visual communicator. It is the first stepping stone into understanding colour and learning more about it, organised in an approachable way.
More information can be found on the pentagram website.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

The Way Things Go

This is a 1987 art film by the Swiss artist duo Peter Fischli and David Weiss (movie title in German: Der Lauf der Dinge). It documents a long causal chain assembled of everyday objects, resembling a Rube Goldberg machine.

Part 1

 Part 2

Part 3

More info on wikipedia

Monday, 19 March 2012


We recently had Crispin Reed from Brandhouse - Brand Agency based in London, leading on a live creative project brief based on the 7 myths of Middle Age, working with our third year Graphic Design students. Design concepts from the group were taken to the design team at Brandhouse for further development. This was a fantastic experience for all involved working within a live brief.

Kamal Gohil

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Sand blasting

Sandblasting glass is a technique to decorate glass. A high powered air compression device called a sandblaster is used to fire tiny pieces of stone like sand at the glass causing the sand to chip away parts of the glass.

Designs can be put on using stencils to cover the parts of the glass that you do not want to be blast. You can also work in different layers.

Here I worked with typographic elements on both sides of the glass which causes an overlapping effect.

by leslie büttel

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Old school

Little booklets found in a vintage shop. They are both from the fifties, and the covers look awesome.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Re Type opening evening

Opening evening of the Re Type exhibition. It was a big success, plenty of people and good feedback. A big thank you to everyone that took part in the workshop and all the support received.

by Samuel Donohoe

Letterpress - photoshop tutorial

Letterpress is a beautiful print technique, but not everybody has the opportunity to just go and press something with a letterpress.

Here is a good tutorial where it is shown how to achieve an authentic letterpress effect in photoshop.

Work of Allen Coté

by leslie buttel

Friday, 17 February 2012

Re Type Exhibition

A few students produced a typography poster each for a workshop Nom De Strip by William Hibberd. Students were tasked with exploring the purpose of type and the strong reactions different typefaces can provoke.

by Samuel Donohoe

Friday, 10 February 2012

Mark making

The first years looked at calligraphy and type. 

We experimented with various pen types to produce abstract marks or even an experimental type. As pens we used ruling pens, automatic pens, but also plastic forks, dough scrapers, a jar lid, sponges, a pipette...

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Type Tart - Student Showcase

In the centre of the gallery Students have produced their own ‘type tarts’ in response to a brief set by Curator, Caroline Archer. The resulting work was displayed in the centre of the gallery during the exhibition > Mon 9 Jan – Fri 27 Jan

Here some impressions of the exhibition opening event. Curator, Caroline Archer, also held a free public talk in the Studio Theatre on that day with all HE Graphic Design students.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


"Helvetica is a feature-lenght independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives". This film was a part of the three week lecture series held for all HE Graphic Design students and public.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Comic Sans by Vincent Connare

Vicent Connare recently came in to talk about working professionally in the software industry, and different typeface projects he has undertaken in the series of lectures held for HE Graphic Design students. Connare has been working as a font engineer and type designer for over 20 years now. He was trained as a painter and photographer in New York and holds a Masters degree in Type Design from the University of Reading. In 1993 he joined Microsoft Corperation as a typographic Engineer and worked on custom type projects for Microsoft products. Here he designed and produced two of the most popular typefaces of the 1990's, Comic Sans and Trebuchet. Today, Vincent works for Dalton Maag Ltd, which is a London based Type design agency, which specializes in corporate font solutions, branding and type design. Here he notably designed the lettering for the Ministry of Sound logo and has recently released his latest font design, Magpie OpenType.

by Alan danby.

Monday, 9 January 2012

About the Design Hub

Plymouth College of Art has worked hard to develop positive links with employers in the creative sector and the HE Graphic Design graduate department are keen to formalise these relationships for mutual benefits. Founder of the DESIGN HUB, Kamal Gohil a graphic design lecturer, in the first phase of the concept seeks to operate like a design studio with real life projects and briefs at the heart of the activity. 

Physical space will be provided for graphic design companies and individuals to work from within the College. By accessing this space the company or an individual will make a commitment to the College to contribute time and resources to support it’s initial members (students).
Students will work alongside the company or an individual as a project team to gain real life experiences and support the creative development of projects within Plymouth and the South West.
External projects and expertise in line with the DESIGN HUB are carefully selected, so the combination of consultation can provide the highest quality of design solutions.
The support from companies or individuals will vary depending on the nature of the project and may include workshops, mentoring, seminars and exhibitions.
The underlying purpose of the DESIGN HUB is to provide members with live briefs and an opportunity to work in a design studio setting.
The DESIGN HUB is seen as a sustainable development and the first step in the Colleges plans for incubation space.
In the second phase of the DESIGN HUB development, there will be an opportunity to progress the design consultancy service with members who can bring a focus on several internal and external projects that will naturally create a focus on design elements relevant to graphic design activities to develop market realities in a multidisciplinary activities.
For example, such as College open days, print and online publishing material, holding subject debates, forums, support workshops, portfolio surgeries, talks, organise social and networking events, promote groups of collectives and etc. all through the DESIGN HUB.
The possibilities are really open depending on the needs of the Graphic Design curriculum and DESIGN HUB members (staff team/students/creative sector). It can act as a catalyst to many other future activities.

For further information please contact:
Kamal Gohil
Graphic Design Lecturer
Plymouth College of Art
Plymouth | Devon | PL4 8AT