Third year student Matt Wilson's animation entitled 'Demand Conflict Free Electronics' has been featured on Noah Scalin's blog:
Noah Scalin is an American artist, known for his creation of the award winning Skull-A-Day art project weblog. He runs the socially conscious design and consulting firm Another Limited Rebellion (ALR Design) in Richmond, Virginia. Noah is also the author of several books on creativity, art, and design including 'The Design Activist's Handbook'.
'Demand Conflict Free Electronics' is an awareness campaign that aims to educate people about conflict minerals being used in electronics. The campaign animates a script using simple vector graphics to illustrate a powerful story to convince people to support charities and demand a stop to conflict minerals being used in electronics.
You can view the full project here or to see more of Matt's work, take a look at his website:
Last week saw the Plymouth College of Art BA Fashion Show start off with a bang!
Two of our own students from the Graphic Design course third year – Sophie Willcox and Jessica Hamley have created some beautiful posters, invitations and the Fashion Show Look book and on top of that Benjamin Parker, also from the third year Graphic Design course has created some amazing motion graphics for the backdrops.
Design Hub members Sam Donohoe and Amy Eaton were also involved as models for the show.
Plymouth Herald has also given the show some exposure here, where you can read a bit more about the event and view some photos from the night.
BA/FD Graphic Design programme from Plymouth College of Art opened a pop-up shop venue in Drake Circus shopping mall to showcase student work. An exhibition was set up, along with a series of workshop activities in beautiful hand made printed cards by Hannah Baldwin, stencilled t-shirt printing by Ross Edwards, portrait photography by Tatsu Ishikawa, type design by David Cooper, letter press by Danni Goss and Emily Clark along with the Design Hub team members (Zara Walker, Claude Compere, Eliot Sleep, Sam Donohoe) working on live projects where a studio set up was created. This allowed public to interact with students and see what the programme offers.
Year 3 students used the space to self promote their upcoming event - Summer exhibition at PCA and New Designers, in London.
These beautiful posters "lets fill this town with Graphic Design" designed by typography and calligraphic lecturer Paul Mattock was a big hit and many got sold. Numerous other pieces of work were sold within the Design Hub Outlet (an online site in development), as well as commissions that came through for our alumni.
All in all, a great successful event that was valuable for marketing the programme, showcase of student work on display with good sales, and above all a good student experience. Fantastic.
Further images can be seen through our other online presence -
(Photographs by Tatsu Ishikawa, Danni Goss and Kamal Gohil)